Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tunnel Mountain Sunset

Today was extra extra cold... -35oC this morning and then -30oC tonight!  Don't think I've ever been in that temperature before.  On the walk to the supermarket, I soon regretted telling Nick I'd go to the shop and get things to make him pancakes for breakfast, for his first morning off work.  Later today I went up Tunnel Mountain again with Sabrina and Chris.  We all went up there a couple of weeks ago before the snow came, so was great to see how different it looked covered in snow.  It so so cold at the top that my eye lashes turned into icicles, as you can see from the photo below.  The sun was just setting as we got to the top.  Afterwards we went to Evelyns (1 of 4 in Banff) for their amazing hot chocolate, which comes with chocolate cream :-)

The town of Banff from the top of Tunnel Mountain.

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