Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 2 of the Moose Bus

Day 2 Moose Bus

After a slow start, we left the Squamish motel at 9am (ish) and drove up to a river where we could see the last of the salmon making their way to where they lay their eggs and die... it stank!  Would have been pretty awesome if we'd gone earlier as this year they estimated that over 4 million had made the journey.  Next stop was at Craigellachie, where the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway was driven into the tracks.  They had an old train their too which we obviously climbed aboard :-)

From here on the scenery was immense... driving through the Rocky Mountains and 3 national parks.  It also got a lot colder and we finally saw snow.  Lunch was had at Mount Revelstoke National Park, where the trees their were huge and some estimated to be over 500 years old.  Next stop was Golden for another toilet stop, and where we saw some Elk, which are apparently the most dangerous animal in Alberta at this time of year... tis the mating season!

Whilst driving along the highway disaster stuck.  Jimmy pulled over onto the hard shoulder and quickly jumped out of the bus.  Next he came back in and said we should all get out and have a look... immediate panic.  The back door had come loose and was wide open, luckily everyone decided they could still see their luggage and a few people offered to walk back down some of the highway to make sure.

The last stop before Banff was at the Natural Bridge at Kicking Horse River.  This was where the water had eroded away a huge rock making it into a bridge, and eventually it will erode further into stone pillars.  The water was an amazing blue/green colour due to the dust and because it was overcast.  Nick and I played an epic game of poo sticks from the bridge.  I won, not that I was being competitive or anything!

Finally we arrived at Banff and said goodbye to the Moose Bus.

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