Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hey guys, what's hip hop happening!?  I thought I'd take a turn at writing a 'blog' as the kids call it, so you have the distinguished pleasure of joining me for a ten day journey of thrills and spills.

First allow me to clarify: there have been remarkably few thrills or spills.  Since we arrived here two Sundays ago our days have revolved around job searching (nobody's hiring), and looking for a flat (nobody was offering).  With this in mind we scoured the local rags, Crag and Canyon, and Rocky Mountain Outlook, and spent many happy hours in the Job Resource Centre trying to find a place to lay our heads after too long on the ol' dusty trail.  Finally some reward when we came up with an awesome flat on Grizzly Street where I'm writing this now.  We have a really big room with huge windows that give an amazing view of the mountains (and make it a bit cold at night).  There's a massive living room/kitchen with fireplace and balcony with bbq though as it's getting down to -8 during the day I'm not sure how much use it'll be getting.  We share with an Aussie couple and two Frenchies who are all super dooper friendly.  So much so that their friendliness drives me use the phrase super dooper.

We've been out a couple of times for dinner, with Eddie's burger bar, and the local TexMex standing out as extra tasty.  Similarly a few nights out, mainly in the hostel, meeting Sunshine lifties but for the most part we've been chilling, saving some funds as the word on Banff Ave is that companies really start hiring in December.

Last night we went up to the natural hot springs (slightly marred by the admission at the front desk that they didn't have enough natural water so would be topping it up from the hot tap).  Nonetheless, they were awesome.  So toasty, and while we went at night to avoid a rush, if you went during the day there would be cracking views down the valley.  Also, on the way back down you get to wait for the bus outside the Rimrock hotel which is kind of like being in it with all the hob knobbing big wigs.

There's so much wildlife here!  It shouldn't come as a total surprise given my many hours devoted to the watching of Due South, but when you walk out your front door in the morning to be confronted by a small herd of deer who let you walk within 3 feet of them it comes as a bit of a shock.  There are also loads of elk (see the pic) so the Marchmont fox can just jolly well take a long ramble (I was going to cuss there but Laura's folks read this - hello).  The elk were on the road today when Chris, Sabrina, (Frenchies), Laura, and I walked up Tunnel Mountain the base of which is right outside our door.  At the top you get the most astounding views back across Banff town and out over the Bow River Valley, and of Mount Rundle (the famous Banff mountain).

We also went to the Remembrance service today.  There were bagpipes galore, and as we paraded down the main street all I could think of was how upset Jamie would be at having missed it.  The Reverend giving it gave a bizarre performance, I think I switched off somewhere between 'the great earthquake of my soul' and 'I was filled with a vengeful fury'.  This was then followed by a video of fallen servicemen.  Moving you say?  Yes.  Until you use Shania Twain as a backing track.

Ummm.  Nothing else springs to mind right now.  I hope you've enjoyed this.  If not, please feel free to comment.  I won't read it.

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