Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1 on the Moose Bus

This is the route we took on day 1 of the moose bus...

Moose Bus Day 1 Route

16 of us on the bus, driven by Jimmy the driver.

In Hope, where they filmed Rambo, we stopped at Bridal Falls and saw the waterfall there.

We drove through Merritt (had my first ice cream of the holiday here) and onto Kamloops where we stopped to get halloween outfits for the party later that evening.  Finally we reached Shuswap and stayed in a motel at Squamish.  Eight of us were packed into a tiny room with one toilet and shower... luckily no-one snored but Nick and I were woken up the next morning by someone farting very loudly, and apparently/surprisingly it wasn't neither of us!!

The halloween party at the bar next to the motel was great, proper hillbilly fight was seen between a horse and another (not sure what they were dressed up as), but the horse was getting a real beating.  There was a live band called the Young Ones, and they were ace.  We had a 'few' beverages, and danced until 1 am, forgetting that we were leaving at 9am the next day.  Its fair to say we had rather sore heads the next morning, but nothing that a sausage roll and a cup of tea couldn't remedy.

Nick and our bus driver Jimmy who dressed as Otto from the Simpsons...

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