Sunday, October 31, 2010

End of Vancouver

Had a lovely dinner on Thursday night with Pam and Margaret, my Canadian relations.  They came all the way from Seattle for the evening to treat Nick and I most kindly to a very excellent and yummy dinner at Raincity restaurant, near the waterfront.  We even managed to eat 3 courses, first time since we've been in BC.  The menu came with set wines per course that matched the food, all Canadian, which were superb.  It was really great to see Pam and Margaret again after the family reunion in the UK, and catch up.

On Friday we went ski boot and helmet shopping, and I ended up being totally kitted out with a sweet deal... unless it was only worth the lower price and the guy just made a show of slashing prices for me!  Probably the more likely, but my ski's are super shiny.  Poor Nick couldn't find a helmet due to his enormous brain :-)  The sales guy was really confident that we'd find one up in Banff though, so fingers crossed.  Before dinner we went back to Stanley Park to ride the Alice in Nightmareland ghost train, and to go to the ghost farm.  Both were for children but we still had fun, except for the farmyard where the pony looked like it was about to keel over, and the sheer number of smelly goats was intoxicating.

Finally we took the bus to a burger diner and had huge yummy burgers.  I had a chilli burger, and Nick had one with sprouts on it (not brussel sprouts as we first thought).

To end our last evening in Vancouver we packed, realising our baggage has now nearly doubled in size.  Good job we're taking the moose bus and not flying to Banff!

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