Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stanley Park, the Art Gallery and the Canucks!

It rained all day Tuesday so we spent most of the day in the Vancouver Art gallery.  The exhibitions were really good, except a few which we decided we could have drawn better using our feet.  One artist literally drew a child's interpretation of a helicopter with faces spewing blood, it was rubbish!  The highlight of the gallery was Song Dong's exhibition of all the crap her mum had collected over a long period of time, and had it all neatly displayed on the floor.  From the gallery above Nick and I watched a woman try and walk among the display, kicking the hats all over the place.  The look of outrage on Nicks face was priceless, he even wanted to go and tell on her!

Tuesday night we joined some other HI hostellians and went to see a real live ice hockey game.  The Vancouver Canucks won 4-3 against Colorado, and we even got to see a fight 2 mins into the game.  According to our guide, fighting is the best way to regulate inappropriate behaviour on the ice.  The atmosphere was awesome, and we both really enjoyed the game, even if we didn't understand why play stopped a lot of the time.

Wednesday was a glorious day, so we hired some bikes a took a ride around Stanley Park and then onto Granville Island.  The park and the views seaward were gorgeous.  For lunch we sat by Beaver Lake in the sun.  We also found a children's park where we played for a few minutes.

Nick with the Bikes Barry and Penelope in front of the Totem Poles that were in the Park...


Finally we got to Granville Island were there is a massive market, and we bought real meatballs and homemade spaghetti for dinner.  After such a long day of cycling on the flat we decided we deserved a nice cup of tea/coffee and a cake... apple caramel cheesecake and pumpkin pie!  Finally we cycled back over Granville bridge where the views of the mountains covered in snow were spectacular.

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