Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sundance Canyon and Canoeing

On Monday Nick and I decided to do the Sundance Canyon trail in Banff, which was about 11km and took about 3 hours return.  The trail took us over the Bow River, and then to the Cave and Basin, which is closed for repairs this year.  Then we followed a small road which took us to the 4km loop round the Sundance Canyon.  

We climbed up a  mini waterfall, and then followed a creek.  The path got pretty muddy, and at one point we had to use stepping stones.  I was worried we were lost for a while because I'd excepted it to turn much sooner than it did, but Nick was confident in our direction after he'd done some tracking, and found some fresh footprints!

On the way back we walked past a small sulphur stream, which was warm so must have been part of the hot springs that are here naturally in Banff.  We saw a plethora of animals, foremost among them a duck.  Then we saw another duck, though in hindsight it may have been the same duck.  Later in the walk we saw a duckling but again, that could have been the duck again from further off.

Today we went canoeing in the rain on the Bow River for an hour with our Aussie housemates Jeff and Lisa, and Lisa's parents.  We had a little problem canoeing in a straight line, as we zigzagged along, but it was really fun, and we even saw an elk swimming across the river!

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