Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lake Minnewanka and Calgary

Our last trip in the Rockies was a bike ride to Lake Minnewanka.  Luckily we had a break from the rain that day and the sun was out for us, making the lake look magnificent.  We had a picnic on the some rocks near the edge of the lake and watched the world go by.  There was even a canoe with a dog in it, being paddle across.  After lunch we decided to dabble in mountain biking and followed a path along the side of the lake.  The trail map hinted that it wasn't too difficult, but there were a lot of slippy rocks and roots, and tight corners.  The fun part was where it became so muddy we had to push the bikes and kept slipping back down the hill.  I was filthy, totally covered in mud head to toe, whereas Nick had about 3 spots of mud on him.  Not really sure how he managed to keep so clean, but I am very suspicious that he might have been throwing it at me seems I was in front and couldn't see.

We got back on the road to Banff, which was a loop, stopping to see the view from Two Jack Lake (above) and Johnston Lake (below).  The sides of the road had loads of marmots, they were everywhere!

The flight to Chicago from Calgary was at 7am, so Nicks Aunt Jean who lives in Calgary, very kindly put us up for the night and drove us to the airport at 5am!  Jean gave us a wake up call by turning on the light, which immediately sent me back to my school days where my teaching would do that while singing to us too.  We went out for chinese the night before with her daughter Gillian and husband Matthew, and their two children.  There was so much tasty food!!

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