Monday, May 23, 2011

The HooDoos

Now that the snow has gone and its warmed up considerably, we've decided to try and do a few hikes around the Banff trails before we leave in about a weeks time.  On Monday Nick and I went on about a 10km hike in Banff, along the Bow River to see the Hoodoos.  The Hoodoos and stone pillars which were created because the rock was harder than those surrounding it, and when the glacier was there it eroded the rock into these weird pillar structures.

The weather forecast had said it would be sunny in the morning, so we got up early to avoid the afternoon showers, which have become a regularity here in Banff lately.  The hike took us along the Bow River, where we stopped at Surprise Corner to admire the view...

Then we dove into the trees, only taking one detour to avoid a humungous elk.  The route was gorgeous walking along beside the river, past a meadow and then taking us higher and higher until we come to the Hoodoos.  The view here was just lovely, especially because the sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, and the river below was sparkling.  We've been living in the mountains for over 6 months now, and you just never tire of staring out at them.

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