Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Perfect Thursday by Nick Wilcock

One of the two not quite perfect things that happened was that I had to get up very early.  But we did this so we could go skiing.  I went skiing with my friends Laura and Chris.  I took some blue skis with me.  They were very big, and they were constructed thus to allow them to float in deep powder, and yet carve on piste.  I enjoyed my big blue skis. 

It was quite cold at Sunshine and it was snowing quite a lot and after the second run of the day Laura went home because she had a sore leg and didn't want it to hurt anymore when her friend Caz comes to stay with us and this was the other not perfect thing that happened on this most special of Thursdays.  Chris and me did lots of skiing in the trees and at the end of the day hiked across Wawa ridge to find some powder and then we went home.

Being a bit sleepy I had a nap, and yet did not wake up with the oft associated grogginess; another sure sign of a good Thursday.

Thursday derives from Thunor's Day, or Thor's Day, and as a great thunder storm building over the plains of the Serenghetti, my Thursday had amassed a mighty charge that reached a crescendo as we wound our way up Sulphur Mountain toward Eden restaurant, and our destiny.  

Eden remains the only 5 diamond restaurant in Western Canada, and this was a reputation well deserved.  As it was in the Rimrock where Laura worked she wanted to make the most of her discount and check the place out.  I couldn't have guessed how good it was going to be, all the food was cooked perfectly, and arranged real pretty like.  The scallops were my favourite, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, much like an armadillo.  This picture is of me freaking out over how good they were.  The guys there properly sorted us out too giving us an extra cheese course, a couple of free drinks, and gave us half price off everything else.  Everyone should eat there if they are incredibly wealthy or work there.


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