Monday, April 4, 2011

Breakfast at Coyotes and a Week of Amazing Skiing!

Last week Nick and I were invited to breakfast at Coyotes Deli and Grill by Pat and Larry, my Canadian relations.  They took a little detour from Calgary to Banff to see us on their way back home, which was really really nice of them.  Especially considering they had a huge drive ahead of them.  We both had huge yummy pancakes!  It was really lovely to see Pat and Larry, and we'd like to say thanks for treating us to breakfast.

After breakfast we decided to try and burn those pancakes off and had a game of squash at the local gym.  Nick won but we had some great rallies, and I even managed to win one game :-)  To carry on our sporting endeavours, we took the french couple, Sabrina and Chris, on a badminton.  The trash talking began well before the game took place, but our British compatriots will be happy to hear we took those Frenchies down hehe.  I'm sure the competitiveness will not end here, and future matches are in store.

Last Thursday Sabrina, Chris and I went to the Royal Canadian Legion for a spot of bingo... we didn't win anything but it was really fun and we'll definitely go back for $1 a card for the whole night!

Considering its now past the 1st April, last week we had a crazy dump of snow, with 18cm of fresh powder at Sunshine on Thursday.  Nick, Chris, my workmate Sara, and I went to Sunshine super early to try to get there before the crowds.  We ended up being able to put fresh tracks in down Goats Eye mountain, it was epic.  Possibly the best skiing day of the year so far!

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